Mahala Estate Development

  • Location: Forrestdale, WA
  • Client: Satterley Property Group
  • Timeframe-For-Completion: Current Works
  • Contract Values Total: $9-10 Million
  • Stages: 5, 8, 10, and BBD Works

Densford Civil completed three stages of the civil works for a new residential subdivision near the corner of Allen and MacFarlane Rd in Forrestdale. Stage 5 – $3.8 – May 2023 to January 2024, and Stage 8, 10 + BBD Works – $5.9 – January 2024 to Current.

Scope of works involve; earthworks, service locations, limestone retaining walls, installation of sewer with extensive dewatering, stormwater and subsoil install, underground power with street lighting, common trench, Bailey Branch Drain (BBD), pavement, asphalt, footpaths, fencing, and kerbing. Densford worked closely with the client to make sure works were done without affecting local residents whilst maintaining the projects work schedule.